General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Montgomery, Alabama
Our speaker was our own Compatriot and Chapter Vice President Jim Musser, who spoke about "insurgency," based on the book American Insurgents, American Patriots.
Compatriot Kirkland presented a Chapter Distinguished Service Medal to former Secretary Brian Head.
General Richard Montgomery Chapter - P.O. Box 230995 - Montgomery, AL 36123-0995
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President Joe Pickett presented a certificate to William Kirkland in recognition for being President. Past President Kirkland also received a Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.
Compatriot Kirkland presented a Bronze Roger Sherman Medal to former Treasurer Ken Mahan.
Guests of Chapter Secretary Dan Haulman included Forrest Marion (l) and Jerome Ennels, second from left, next to Dan. These three, as well as Jim Musser, all work at the Air Force Historical Research Agency.
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President Pickett inducted Jason Ian Hector, who lives in California, as a member. His father, Chapter Registrar Henry Hector received Jason's certificate.
General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
2019 Chapter Meetings Photographs
A nice turn-out....come join us! Guests included Cheryl Dorsey, wife of Compatriot Clark Dorsey.