General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Montgomery, Alabama
Compatriot Walter Stevenson assists a prospective member.
Dr. Charles Woernle is inducted; sponsored by Walter Stevenson.
President Davis inducts Gerald Hobson Thompson, II.
Philip Davis, Buck Newman, Bob Cheney, Larry Cornwell.
Copyright © 2013 - 2019 All Rights Reserved. - General Richard Montgomery Chapter - Montgomery, Alabama
Our speaker, Steve Murray, Director of the Alabama Department of Archives and History is given a gift.
Joshua Atkinson, accompanied by father Dan Atkinson, is inducted by President Davis. Sponsor, Bruce Pickette.
Philip Davis, Buck Newman, Bob Cheney, "Sky" King.
Bruce Pickette, Philip Davis, Buck Newman, Bob Cheney, Larry Cornwell.
L-R: Philip Davis, Buck Newman, Bob Cheney.
Our speaker was Compatriot Jack Reed on Benedict Arnold into Quebec with General Richard Montgomery .
General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
2013 Chapter Meetings Photographs
Compatriot Larry Cornwell is presented two Supplemental Ancestor Certificates.
Compatriots before and after the meeting.
Daniel Haulman is inducted by President Davis.
Compatriots Jeff Samuel, Bob Glasscock, and Clark Dorsey received Certificates of Appreciation for serving as Chapter committee chair in 2012.
His rosette is pinned by Compatriot Gene Stabler with sponsor Walter Stevenson.
President Davis inducts new member Robert Sellers Smith with sponsor Walter Stevenson.
Compatriot Walter Stevenson shows members the three awards to the Chapter by the Alabama Society and a Flag Streamer awarded to the Chapter by the National Society.
Those in attendance.
General Richard Montgomery Chapter - P.O. Box 230995 - Montgomery, AL 36123-0995
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Sponsor Walter Stevenson pins member rosette on Dr. Woernle/
L-R: Stevenson, Stabler, Haulman, Davis
William Kirkland, II and son, William Kirkland, III are inducted by President Davis. Their sponsor, Walter Stevenson, pinned the rosettes.
Flag Chairman Ed Smith gives a Flag Certificate to Compatriot Ken Mahan for delivery to Colonel William Stewart.
(L-R) Walter Stevenson, Dr. Charles Woernle and President Davis.
New Compatriots Joe Andrew and James Andrew are inducted by President Davis with Walter Stevenson their sponsor.
Thompson membership rosette is pinned by sponsor Walter Stevenson.
Vice President "Sky" King introduces our speaker, Dr. Daniel Haulman.
Compatriot Stan Phillips is presented a National certificate and medal in recognition of his donation to the Center for Advancing America's Heritage.