​Fire Safety Award presented to Fire Fighter R. Kyle Glenn Montgomery, AL Fire Department

​​General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution

2017 Chapter Meetings Photographs


Compatriot Paul Edward Burkett is inducted and welcomed into the chapter.

Vice President William Kirkland presents a gift to our speaker Dr. Jeffrey Langum.

Guest speaker Alabama Secretary John Merrill. 

Law Enforcement Award presented to Detectives Z. R. Zhu and J. Wells Montgomery Police Department

Compatriot Gardner Purdue introduces our Eagle Scout winner, Wells Clayton Hutsler and his family, accompanied by Jack Caraway.

Compatriot Derry Hawkins is presented a Certificate of Appreciation by President Jack Caraway for his work as Flag Recognition chairman for 2016.

General Richard Montgomery Chapter

Sons of the American Revolution

Montgomery, Alabama

Compatriot Stevenson is presented the National Meritorious Service Medal, given to him at Congress.

President Caraway presents a Silver Roger Sherman Medal to Tom Smith.

General Richard Montgomery Chapter - P.O. Box 230995 - Montgomery, AL 36123-0995
Email - grm.sar@gmail.com

Compatriot Joe Cottle is sworn in, accompanied by his sponsor, Bruce Pickette.

Compatriot Joe Andrew is presented a Certificate of Appreciation by President Caraway.


Compatriot Kirkland presents a gift to our speaker, Lt Colonel Scott Cook.

Speaker and Compatriot David Azbell.

VP Kirkland presents Merrill a gift.

President Caraway presents a Supplemental Patriot Ancestor Major John McGaw certificate to Walter Stevenson.


Compatriot Bruce Pickette presents an award given at Congress to the chapter.

Copyright © 2013 - 2019 All Rights Reserved. - General Richard Montgomery Chapter - Montgomery, Alabama


Presentation of Flag Certificate to Lisa Franklin representing Alabama State Capitol Operations Staff; Compatriot David Azbell (R )is Flag Chairman.

Several Law Enforcement and Fire Figher awards were present; arranged by past president Greg Holston, assisted by City of Public Safety Director Chris Murphy.  

​Emergency Medical Service Award presented to Bridgette Wright-Davis

President Caraway preparing his notes.

President Jack Caraway presides.