General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Montgomery, Alabama
Sons of the American Revolution
General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Constitution and By-Laws
Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
1. Constitution
Article I Name
Article II Objects
Article III Membership
Article IV Officers
Article V Quorum and Proxies
Article VI Headquarters
Article VII Insignia
Article VIII Amendments of Constitution
2. By-Laws
Article I Membership Dues and Fees
Article II Liabilities
Article III Officer Election and Board of Officers
Article IV Duties of Officers
Article V Meetings
Article VI Committees
Article VII Records Retention and Destruction Policy
Article VIII Parliamentary Authority
Article IX Adoption and Amendment of By-Laws
The objects of this Society shall be to perpetuate the memory of the men and women, who by their services or sacrifices during the American Revolutionary War, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research and education in relation to the American Revolution; to acquire, preserve and publish the records of the individual service of the patriots of the war, as well as documents concerning the same; to conserve relics and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution and patriot graves by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the War; to foster true patriotism, and to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom.
Any male shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter, who has made application and has been accepted for membership in the National Society and the Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. The criteria for membership are as set forth in the Constitution of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. An “Active” member is one who has been inducted into the Society and, as applicable, has paid the annual assessment of National, State, and Chapter dues.
The elective officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Genealogist, Chaplain, and Sergeant-at-Arms. The elective officers shall be chosen by the ballots of a majority of members present at the November monthly meeting. The elected officers will be installed at the December meeting or banquet and take office immediately. The elected officers and Chapter Past Presidents, who are active members, shall constitute the Board of Officers and shall have charge of the affairs of the Chapter.
A quorum of the chapter shall be required for the transaction of business. The number constituting a quorum is defined in the By-Laws. Proxies shall not be voted at any meeting of the Chapter.
The headquarters of the Chapter and the location of its meeting place shall be in Montgomery, Alabama.
The insignia of the Society shall comprise (1) a cross, surmounted by an eagle in gold, (2) a rosette. A detailed description of the insignia, the criteria for acquisition and the conditions for possession, display and surrender are set forth in By-Laws of the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution.
This Constitution may be altered, amended or repealed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting, or special meeting, called for the purpose provided a notice was sent to all members fourteen (14) days in advance, and further that such alteration or amendment is in conformance with the National and State Societies Constitution and By-Laws.
ARTICLE I – Membership Dues and Fees
Section 1. Applications for membership must be prepared in the manner prescribed by the National Society on official forms furnished by the National Society. The recommendations of two members who are personally acquainted with the applicant shall be required for acceptance of an application for membership. The application must be either typewritten using National Society prepared forms or electronically prepared using National Society digital forms and authorized paper, be signed by the applicant and forwarded with a check for Chapter, State and National Societies application and membership fees. Every applicant and/or member shall be responsible for informing the Secretary of any change in his mailing address.
Section 2. All eligible applicants will be accepted as Chapter members upon approval by the State and National Societies.
Section 3. The schedule of State and National fees is subject to change by those Societies. The Chapter dues may be changed by a vote of the Board of Officers. Annual per capita dues become due during the last quarter of the calendar year on a date as established by the Treasurer, based upon notification by the State Society, and will become delinquent on the 31st of December. The fiscal year of the Chapter begins on the 1st of January of each year.
Section 4. A member who is in arrears for fees on 31 December shall be dropped automatically from the rolls and is not thereafter eligible to participate in any activity of the Society. A former member may be reinstated at any time upon the payment of current annual dues and any reinstatement fee imposed by the National and State Societies or the Chapter.
Section 5. Membership categories shall be consistent with those established by the National Society.
No member of the Chapter shall become liable to the Chapter, State or National Societies for any amount other than annual dues, reinstatement fees or supplemental application fees, and these only to maintain membership.
Section 1. The President, at the Chapter meeting in September, shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members from the membership, who shall report their nominations for officers. This report shall be included in the notice of the November meeting. Nothing herein contained shall restrict or prevent nominations from the floor.
Section 2. In case of a vacancy in any office or if from disability or other causes, any Officer shall be unable to perform his duties, the Board of Officers shall have power to fill the place for the time being, or for the balance of an unexpired term, as the case may require. The Board of Officers shall make the appointment at the next scheduled Chapter meeting after the office has been determined to be vacant. In the event that the President is unable to perform his duties, the Vice-President will assume the office of President and the Board of Officers will fill the office of Vice-President.
Section 3. Any elected or appointed officer other than the President and the Vice-President may hold more than one office if it is deemed necessary or desirable by the membership. The President and the Vice-President may chair committees of the Chapter.
Section 4. The President may succeed himself for a second term if nominated and elected. He may not succeed himself a second time. However, there are no limitations on serving additional terms as President that are not successive.
Section 5. There shall be no limitations on terms, whether successive or cumulative, of officers other than the President as is specified in the preceding Section 4 of this Article.
Section 1. PRESIDENT
The President shall fulfill the customary duties of the office and shall maintain general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter. He shall keep the Chapter membership informed on all activities of the Chapter. He shall appoint all Committee Chairmen not herein appointed. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. Prior to each Alabama Society Board of Managers meeting, he shall cause to be prepared and remitted to the Alabama Society a report detailing the activities of the General Richard Montgomery Chapter since the last report. He shall notify the candidates of their admission to membership in the Society and assure that they receive their Certificates of Membership. He shall have signature authority on the Chapter financial depository, in the event the Treasurer is unable to exercise his duties. He shall appoint someone to review or audit the Chapter’s financial records and accounts as he or the Board of Officers may decide from time to time and shall provide the results to the Board of Officers. He shall appoint a Program Committee. He shall be responsible for maintaining the chapter charter and boxes of chapter historical records in his possession. In the absence or inability of the President to serve, his duties shall be performed temporarily by the Vice-President, the Secretary or the Treasurer in that order of succession.
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties. He will constantly familiarize himself with the activities of the Chapter and serve as Chairman of the Program Committees, as well as Chapter Parliamentarian. He shall promote the interests and activities of the Chapter.
Section 3. SECRETARY
The Secretary shall maintain an accurate roll of membership in the Chapter in coordination with the Treasurer, ensure the accuracy of National and State membership rolls, conduct the general correspondence for the Chapter, and maintain appropriate files. He shall have charge of and maintain all records of the Chapter, including historical operating records, which are not herein expressly placed in charge of other officers of the Chapter. He shall notify the Alabama Society Secretary of the death, resignation, suspension, or removal from the rolls of any member. He shall, under the direction of the President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Chapter, make reservations for meeting as necessary and take and prepare minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall notify the State and National Societies and state webmaster of election and installation of officers immediately after the December meeting. Except as delineated in Article VII in the By-Laws (Records Retention and Destruction Policy), no chapter records shall be destroyed without approval of the Board of Officers.
Section 4. TREASURER
The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate roll of membership in the Chapter in coordination with the Secretary and, prior to 31 December of each year, submit a report, along with annual State and National dues collected, to the Secretary of the Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. To enhance retention of Chapter membership and to forestall the need for reinstatement action, the Treasurer shall begin dues collection as soon as possible each year, as he receives appropriate dues information from the State society. He shall establish a federally insured depository for the Chapter and shall ensure the President has signature authority along with himself, in the event he is unable to exercise his duties. He shall collect all dues and other monies received by the Chapter and shall deposit same in the depository, to the credit of the “General Richard Montgomery Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution". He shall pay out only such funds as may be authorized by the President, or by vote of the Board of Officers. Additionally, payments for routine documented and Chapter approved expenditures (e.g., annual Chapter memberships, paying member dues to the State Society and/or National Society, reimbursing members for Chapter expenditures and acquisitions, errors, corrections) are hereby authorized. He shall keep a true account of the receipts and expenditures and shall render an annual report of the same to the President in January and more often when requested by the President. The Chapter’s financial records and accounts shall be reviewed or audited as determined by the President or Board of Officers in such manner as may, from time to time, be determined by the President or the Board of Officers. The results of any review or audit shall be provided to the President or Board of Officers as he/they arrange with the reviewer or auditor. The Treasurer shall have charge and shall maintain the Chapter’s financial records. Except as delineated in Article VII in the By-Laws (Records Retention and Destruction Policy), no financial records shall be destroyed without approval of the Board of Officers.
Section 5. REGISTRAR
The Registrar shall have charge of the Chapter records of membership, retain copies of all applications for Membership and Supplemental Applications, and all books and documents not required to be deposited elsewhere. He shall maintain an adequate supply of Applications for Membership, Supplemental Applications and Worksheets. He may serve as Chapter Genealogist and review all Applications for Membership and Supplemental Applications for adequacy prior to their submission to the Alabama Society.
The Genealogist shall advise and assist the Registrar and in coordination with the Registrar, periodically contact prospective members via e-mail, mail, and phone to offer assistance in completing their applications. If requested, he will assist members in completing their supplemental applications.
Section 7. CHAPLAIN
The Chaplain shall perform those duties ordinarily expected of an organizational Chaplain. He shall open and close meetings of the Chapter with the services usual for such occasions.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall assist in the preservation of order at meetings of the Chapter. He shall maintain control of all flags, pennants, streamers and their associated stands and the placing of the Colors at each meeting. He will arrive at the meeting site early to assure readiness of the facility, to assist the President as necessary, and to extend the official greeting to members and guests as they arrive.
Section 1. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held as ordered by the President or the Board of Officers. Reports of Officers and Committees may be received at any meeting.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected at the regular meeting in November.
Section 3. Special meetings can be called by the President or by any five (5) members of the Board of Officers and may also be called by either upon the written request of ten (10) members of the Chapter. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in case of emergency at least seven (7) days notice shall be given.
Section 4. Twenty percent of the active members of the Chapter shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Newly elected officers shall be installed at the December meeting or banquet, as applicable. The President of the State Society and his lady, if appropriate, will be invited. The outgoing President, the new Chapter President and the Installing Officer should be requested to make short remarks or speeches. The order of business at this meeting will be:
1. Call to order by the outgoing Chapter President
2. Invocation by the Chaplain
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
4. Pledge to the SAR
5. Introduction of Special Guests
6. Dinner and Program
7. Introduction of the installing officer by the outgoing chapter president
8. Address by the installing officer
9. Address by the outgoing chapter president
10. Installation of the new officers
11. Address by the new chapter president
12. SAR Recessional
13. Benediction
14. Adjourn
Section 6. The order of business at the regular meetings of the Chapter will be as follows:
1. Call to order by the Presiding Officer
2. Invocation by the Chaplain
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
4. Pledge to the SAR
5. Introduction of Special Guests
6. Introduction of the Speaker or Program
7. Remarks and thank you to the Speaker or Program Principal
8. Officers' reports
9. Committee reports
10. Unfinished business
11. New business
12. SAR Recessional
13. Benediction
14. Adjourn
Section 7. In the event that the Chapter shall become inactive, all materials and monies shall be transferred to the State Society to be held in trust pending restoration of the Chapter. Upon the revival of the Chapter, all records, materials and monies (including any earned interest by reason of this trust) shall be returned to the Chapter.
The President shall appoint a Program Committee consisting of the Chapter Vice-President as Chairman and up to three other members whose duty it shall be to plan the annual program for the Chapter and to arrange for speakers and/or activities for presentation at the successive Chapter meetings. It shall be responsible for Chapter property required for use at the monthly meetings that is not otherwise allocated to the responsibility of the Sergeant At Arms.
The History Committee will be responsible to maintain the history of the Chapter. The Committee Chair shall be known as the Chapter Historian and shall be the custodian of all historical matter belonging to the Chapter. He shall keep a record of the Chapter's historical, commemorative and patriotic celebrations and social functions. He shall establish and maintain a necrology with biographies of deceased members. He shall coordinate and cooperate with the Historians of the State and National Societies in the preparation and publication of significant material relating to Chapter activities into permanent archives. The Historian shall assist the Publicity Officer for the Chapter, providing press releases and photographs to local, state, and national newspapers and other media outlets. The Historian and Publicity Officer shall coordinate with the Vice-President for input.
Other standing committees shall be, but not limited to, the following: Americanism, Publicity, Color Guard, ROTC/JROTC Recognition, Rumbaugh Oration Contest, Eagle Scout Scholarship, Knight Essay Contest, Revolutionary War Graves, American Flag Recognition, and Speakers Bureau.
The President will establish and appoint members to serve on all such committees, standing or special, as the Chapter Membership or Board of Officers deem necessary to carry out the work of the Chapter.
Chapter paper records about its not-for-profit status and IRS Letters of Determination, and related IRS and State of Alabama Revenue documents and similar communications shall be permanently retained. Bank and financial institution statements, cancelled checks (if any), and deposits shall be retained on a calendar year basis only for seven (7) years, and destroyed thereafter, unless otherwise determined in accordance with ARTICLE IX, Adoption and Amendment of By-Laws. All other records shall be retained indefinitely unless otherwise determined in accordance with ARTICLE IX, Adoption and Amendment of By-Laws.
The Rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order - Newly Revised" shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these By-Laws or any other special rules and orders the Chapter may adopt.
The By-Laws shall be adopted and may be altered, amended or repealed by a majority vote of a quorum of the members present at any regular meeting, or special meeting called for the purpose, provided a notice was sent to all members fourteen (14) days in advance, and further that such adoption, alteration or amendment is in conformance with the National and State Societies’ Constitution and By-Laws.
ADOPTED DATE: November 20, 2019
/s/ Joe Keith Pickett
/s/ James Murray Musser
/s/ Daniel Lee Haulman
Copyright © 2013 - 2020 All Rights Reserved. - General Richard Montgomery Chapter - Montgomery, Alabama
General Richard Montgomery Chapter - P.O. Box 230995 - Montgomery, AL 36123-0995
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