General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Montgomery, Alabama
Jonathan Lawrence Dunaway and Jonathan Morgan Dunaway were presented their 5 year pins and certificates.
In May, the chapter's meeting was held at Huntingdon College by arrangement of President Holston.
The monthly meeting - service awards evening was held at night to facilitate chapter spouses and children attendance.
Compatriot Walter Stevenson provided information on the SAR Americanism annual evaluation process.
Compatriot Ed Smith is presented the Bronze Roger Sherman award for his work.
Compatriot Jeff Samuel is presented the Bronze Roger Sherman award by former president James Pickett for his work as ROTC/JROTC chair.
Junior Members recognized by President Holston.
Compatriot "Skip" Tucker receives a certificate.
Compatriot Tom Smith, as Color Guard Commander, accepts a Flag Streamer from President Holston. The chapter received the streamer for its donation to the Center for Advancing America's Heritage.
Kathy Taylor of Holy Cross Episcopal School accepted certificates to give to students for their participation in the Poster Contest. Compatriot Derry Hawkins is pictured right.
(L-R) Compatriots Cody, Alan Ryan and Patrick Stevenson (all of BSA Troop 307) with President Holston receive their 5 year pins and certificates.
Compatriot Ron Davis receives a certificate from past president James Pickett (right) for his work as Flag Chairman.
Dr. Lewis is presented a gift and certificate.
Compatriot Walter Stevenson is presented the Lafayette Volunteer Medal for 40 hours worked on a National Society project.
Compatriot Pickette accepts the membership certificates for his nephew and grand nephews.
General Richard Montgomery Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
2016 Chapter Meetings Photographs
Compatriot Stan Phillips receives the Bronze Roger Sherman award.
Compatriots Larry Cornwell (second from left), Bruce Pickette, and Walter Stevenson receive Certificates of Appreciation for their chapter work from President Holston.
Dr. John Williams, Professor Emeritus, of Huntingdon College
Our speaker was Dr. Jeremy Lewis of Huntingdon College.
Copyright © 2013 - 2019 All Rights Reserved. - General Richard Montgomery Chapter - Montgomery, Alabama
General Richard Montgomery Chapter - P.O. Box 230995 - Montgomery, AL 36123-0995
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Compatriot Bill Stone displayed his original 18th Century Samuel Galton copy of a 72 caliber, Model 1777 French Charleville Musket and discussed its origins and use in the Revolution.
Alabama State President Fred Olive was our speaker.
Our speaker was Allen Herrod who portrayed Patrick Henry.
President Holson presents a gift and certificate of appreciation to our long time waiter and server, Angelo Starks, Montgomery Country Club.
President Holston presents a certificate and flag streamer to Color Guard Commander Compatriot Tom Smith. They were given to the Chapter for its 2015-6 contribution to the CAAH.
Compatriot Joe Pickett receives a Certificate of Appreciation as an SAR Library Endowment Fund contributor from Librarian General and chapter member Bruce Pickette.
Compatriot James Pickett is congratulated by past State President Bill Stone for his service as past Chapter President.
Members of the chapter received their pins for length of membership from five to ten years.
David Azbell received his membership certificate. Sponsor Larry Cornwell.
Our Eagle Scout contestant in State competition receives a Certificate of Recognition. Chapter President Greg Holston is at the podium, along with Eagle Committee chairman, Jack Reed.
Compatriot Olan Skip Tucker commented on - Flag Retirement Project.